
A directory that celebrates and highlights Asian & Pacific Islander creatives.

About This Project:

API (Asian & Pacific Islanders) Who Design is a living and growing directory that features API creatives in the design industry. This site draws inspiration by Latinxs Who Design and Blacks Who Design. Our mission is to highlight the breadth of talent within the API population, inspire new designers, connect with fellow APIs, share experiences, and help with the discovery of fresh talent for expanding teams.

Why The Term API?:

API is short for Asian & Pacific Islanders, which includes all Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islanders who can trace their origins to the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and the Pacific Islands. Other terms/abbreviations are AAPI (Asian American & Pacific Islanders), and APA (Asian Pacific American). 

Sibling Sites:

Please check out, support, and share these sites that share a similar mission. 

Join Today!

If you are interested in being added to our directory or would like to nominate a fellow API peer, complete the online form. Be sure to send us a  high-res photo of yourself, your social media links, and a link that showcases your talents.

Request an Edit or Opt-out:

If you would like to update your profile or if you no longer wish to be featured in our directory, please send an email to hello@apiwho.design.

Follow Our Slack Channel:

Connect with other API creatives and join in on the conversation through our  Slack Channel. 

The Team:

  • Koi Hernandez